During the first PRE-LEAP-RE strategic workshop, stakeholders were able to contribute to the conceptualisation and planning of the envisaged European Joint Programme (EJP)‐LEAP‐RE and validate agendas on Research and Innovation (R&I) and Human and Institutional Capacity Building (HICB) and Organisational and Funding (O&F) principles which took the forms of background papers developed by PRE-LEAP-RE partners.
Together with relevant stakeholders, we were able to advance on the network‐building objectives of this work package. Elements of the long‐term approach for the AU‐EU partnership in RE were also shared, including the Theory of Change and Impact Pathway (TCIP), the Programme & Innovation Cycle (PIMC), as well as the concept of a Knowledge Management and Communication Framework (KMCF) and a draft funding concept.
A series of Background Papers will further the development of the forthcoming African- European joint programme on renewable energies – LEAP-RE. Three of these Background Papers are now available and they will form the basis for the discussion with committed stakeholders, who want to contribute to the joint programme LEAP-RE and who may want to become even a consortium member or associated partner. Feedback and suggestions for this document are welcome.
The intention with the Background Papers is to foster an inclusive process as much as possible. The Background Papers series will be finalized next year after PRE-LEAP-RE #2 Strategic Workshop. The current Background Papers (first three available for download):
- Research & Innovation and Human & Institutional Capacity Building Agenda
- Funding Concept
- Outcomes from the PRE-LEAP-RE Ecosystem Analysis – Building the PRE-LEAP-RE Research & Capacity Building Agenda
- Management & Implementation Concept
- Private Sector Concept
- Position Paper – Open Philosophy & IRP
- Monitoring & Evaluation