Energy issues have a substantial impact on the environment and therefore on the international community. This sector is gradually gaining policymakers’ attention, but more ambitious political commitment is necessary.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises with Goal 7 (SDG7) energy as a precondition for human and social promotion, as well as an instrument to fight poverty. Despite this global interest, access to clean and renewable energy is not yet available for all.

Public Policymakers

Policymakers have a critical role to play towards delivering energy access to all. Priority areas of actions are:

Enabling policy and regulatory framework

Strong political commitment is essential to enable the energy transition. Regulatory frameworks should empower the actors involved and incentivise the development and deployment of sustainable energy technologies and attract private investors.

Strategy development

Public authorities are essential to understand the current standing in the renewable energy sector and build on it in a collaborative and constructive manner. Policymakers shall therefore design the strategy ahead based on a clear set of common milestones to meet the identified objectives.

Providing sustainable funding

Public authorities must support their commitment to renewable energy through adequate and sustainable funding. National and international actors should therefore join forces to advance research and innovation in the sector.

Creating synergies

Long-term and sustainable cross-border activities require coordination among a variety of actors and already existing initiatives in the sector. Identified goals must also be addressed in a coordinated manner   both in Africa and Europe, from the local to the international level.