Civil Society
Africa has more than half of the world’s Renewable Energy (RE) potential but its population has the lowest access to modern energy services. Civil society representatives and citizens have a growing role to play to ensure a transition towards the use of renewable energy on the African continent.
Accelerate technological and social innovation
Citizens have a change-enabling role not only as users but also as producers, influencers and agents of change. Their involvement is crucial in a context of increasing energy demand as they can contribute to the co-creation of new technologies meeting their needs, thus facilitating technology take-up and quality of life improvements.
Foster long-term impact on both local and global development
Citizens’ support to RE penetration will translate into a boost for the African economy through job creation, income-generating activities and improvement of local skills. On a global scale, commitment to sustainable energy solutions in a growing population context will have a major impact on decarbonisation.
Provide input from own experiences
Stakeholders within the PRE-LEAP-RE project contribute by providing input from own experiences, past collaborative efforts and actual local needse thus enabling a bottom-up approach.
Encourage knowledge exchange
The participation of civil society in the Stakeholders Group will significantly contribute to the process of knowledge exchange among various actors. It will help transforming research into effective innovation, setting the base for its full exploitation.